EaSynth License: Apache License 2.0 Development: Active Size: 347Kb JRE: 5 or above Skinnable: Yes
EaSynth look and feel is a Synth based look and feel, the name \"EaSynth\" comes from \"Easy Synth\", because this look and feel is generated by EaSynth look and feel designer, this can be much easier than doing it manually. EaSynth look and feel and its source code (including the XML, Painter and GraphicsUtils classes java code and look and feel project file) will be released under the Apache License 2.0 very soon.Now you can get the stand-alone look and feel JAR file inside the EaSynth Look And Feel Designer package and integrate it into your application.
Oyoaha License: Free Apache Like License, Development: Active, Size: 382 Kb JRE: 4 or above Skinnable: Yes
Oyoaha look and feel is an open source project similar to EaSynth .It introduces new feature like transparency, sounds and is Skinable
1) Which package contains exception handling related classes?
2) What are the two types of Exceptions?
Checked Exceptions and Unchecked Exceptions.
3) What is the base class of all exceptions?
4) What is the difference between Exception and Error in java?
Exception and Error are the subclasses of the Throwable class. Exception class is used for exceptional conditions that user program should catch. Error defines exceptions that are not excepted to be caught by the user program. Example is Stack Overflow.
5) What is the difference between throw and throws?
Throw is used to explicitly raise a exception within the program, the statement would be throw new Exception(); throws clause is used to indicate the exceptions that are not handled by the method. It must specify this behavior so the callers of the method can guard against the exceptions.
Throws is specified in the method signature. If multiple exceptions are not handled, then they are separated by a comma. the statement would be as follows: public void doSomething() throws IOException,MyException{}
6) Differentiate between Checked Exceptions and Unchecked Exceptions?
Checked Exceptions are those exceptions which should be explicitly handled by the calling method. Unhandled checked exceptions results in compilation error.
Unchecked Exceptions are those which occur at runtime and need not be explicitly handled. RuntimeException and it's subclasses, Error and it's subclasses fall under unchecked exceptions.
7) What are User defined Exceptions?
Apart from the exceptions already defined in Java package libraries, user can define his own exception classes by extending Exception class.
Cool What is the importance of finally block in exception handling?
Finally block will be executed whether or not an exception is thrown. If an exception is thrown, the finally block will execute even if no catch statement match the exception. Any time a method is about to return to the caller from inside try/catch block, via an uncaught exception or an explicit return statement, the finally block will be executed. Finally is used to free up resources like database connections, IO handles, etc.
9) Can a catch block exist without a try block?
No. A catch block should always go with a try block.
10) Can a finally block exist with a try block but without a catch?
Yes. The following are the combinations try/catch or try/catch/finally or try/finally.
11) What will happen to the Exception object after exception handling?
Exception object will be garbage collected.
12) The subclass exception should precede the base class exception when used within the catch clause. True/False?
13) Exceptions can be caught or rethrown to a calling method. True/False?
14) The statements following the throw keyword in a program are not executed. True/False?
15) How does finally block differ from finalize() method?
Finally block will be executed whether or not an exception is thrown. So it is used to free resoources. finalize() is a protected method in the Object class which is called by the JVM just before an object is garbage collected.
16) What are the constraints imposed by overriding on exception handling?
An overriding method in a subclass may only throw exceptions declared in the parent class or children of the exceptions declared in the parent class.
continue must be in a loop( for, do , while ). It cannot appear in case constructs.
Primitive array types can never be assigned to each other, eventhough the primitives themselves can be assigned. ie., ArrayofLongPrimitives = ArrayofIntegerPrimitives gives compiler error eventhough longvar = intvar is perfectly valid.
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard
Question 1 Given: 11. public interface Status { 12. /* insert code here */ int MY_VALUE = 10; 13. } Which three are valid on line 12? (Choose three.)
A. final B. static C. native D. public E. private F. abstract G. protected
Answer: ABD
Question 2 Given: 10. public class Bar { 11.static void foo(int...x) { 12. // insert code here 13. } 14. } Which two code fragments, inserted independently at line 12, will allow the class to compile? (Choose two.) A. foreach(x) System.out.println(z); B. for(int z : x) System.out.println(z); C. while( x.hasNext()) System.out.println( x.next()); D. for( int i=0; i< x ="5;" b1 =" true;" b2 =" false;" x="=" b2 =" true)" x =" new" a =" x;" f=" (Delta)x;" f=" (Alpha)x;" b =" (Beta)(Alpha)x;" loc =" Locale.getLocale();" loc =" Locale.getDefault();" bc =" Locale.getLocale();" loc =" Locale.getDefault();" cardld =" cardlD;" ownername =" ownerName;" limit =" limit;"> } F. class Man { private BestFriend } Answer: D
Question 10 Given: 11. public class Person { 12. private name; 13. public Person(String name) { 14. this.name = name; 15. } 16. public int hashCode() { 17. return 420; 18. } 19. } Which is true? A. The time to find the value from HashMap with a Person key depends on the size of the map. B. Deleting a Person key from a HashMap will delete all map entries for all keys of type Person. C. Inserting a second Person object into a HashSet will cause the first Person object to be removed as a duplicate. D. The time to determine whether a Person object is contained in a HashSet is constant and does NOT depend on the size of the map. Answer: A
Question 11 Given: 23. Object [] myObjects = { 24. new integer(12), 25. new String(”foo”), 26. new integer(5), 27. new Boolean(true) 28. }; 29. Arrays.sort(myObjects); 30. for( int i=0; isetAnchor(10,10); s->draw(); E. Circle c = new Circle(); c.Shape.setAnchor(10,10); c.Shape.draw(); Answer: C
Question 22 Given: 10. abstract public class Employee { 11. protected abstract double getSalesAmount(); 12. public double getCommision() { 13. return getSalesAmount() * 0.15; 14. } 15. } 16. class Sales extends Employee { 17. // insert method here 18. } Which two methods, inserted independently at line 17, correctly complete the Sales class? (Choose two.) A. double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; } B. public double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; } C. private double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; } D. protected double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; } Answer: BD
Question 23 Given: 10. interface Data { public void load(); } 11. abstract class Info { public abstract void load(); } Which class correctly uses the Data interface and Info class? A. public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } } B. public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something*/ } } C. public class Employee extends Info implements Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } } D. public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void Data.load() { /*d something */ } public void load() { /*do something */ } } E. public class Employee implements Info extends Data { public void load() { /*do something */ } public void Info.load(){ /*do something*/ } } F. public class Employee extends Info implements Data{ public void Data.load() { /*do something*/ } public void Info.load() { /*do something*/ } } Answer: A
Question 24 Given: 11. public abstract class Shape { 12. private int x; 13. private int y; 14. public abstract void draw(); 15. public void setAnchor(int x, int y) { 16. this.x = x; 17. this.y = y; 18. } 19. } Which two classes use the Shape class correctly? (Choose two.) A. public class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; } B. public abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; } C. public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); } D. public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); } E. public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw() {/* code here */} } F. public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw() { / code here */ } } Answer: BE
Question 25 Which two classes correctly implement both the java.lang.Runnable and the java.lang.Clonable interfaces? (Choose two.) A. public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable { public void run(); public Object clone(); } B. public class Session extends Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { / do something */ } public Object clone() { / make a copy */ } } C. public class Session implements Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { / do something */ } public Object clone() { /* make a copy */ } } D. public abstract class Session implements Runnable, Clonable { public void run() { / do something */ } public Object clone() { /*make a copy */ } } E. public class Session implements Runnable, implements Clonable { public void run() { / do something */ } public Object clone() { / make a copy */ } } Answer: CD
Question26 Click the Exhibit button. 1. public class GoTest { 2. public static void main(String[] args) { 3. Sente a = new Sente(); a.go(); 4. Goban b = new Goban(); b.go(); 5. Stone c = new Stone(); c.go(); 6. } 7. } 8. 9. class Sente implements Go { 10. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Sente.”); } 11. } 12. 13. class Goban extends Sente { 14. public void go() { System.out.println(”go in Goban”); } 15. } 16. 17. class Stone extends Goban implements Go { } 18. 19. interface Go { public void go(); } What is the result? A. go in Goban go in Sente go in Sente B. go in Sente go in Sente go in Goban C. go in Sente go in Goban go in Goban D. go in Goban go in Goban go in Sente E. Compilation fails because of an error in line 17. Answer: C
Question 27 Given: 11. public static void parse(String str) { 12. try { 13. float f= Float.parseFloat(str); 14. } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { 15. f= 0; 16. } finally { 17. System.out.println(f); 18. } 19. } 20. public static void main(String[] args) { 21. parse(”invalid”); 22. } What is the result? A. 0.0 B. Compilation fails. C. A ParseException is thrown by the parse method at runtime. D. A NumberFormatException is thrown by the parse method at runtime. Answer: B
Question 28 Click the Exhibit button. 1. public class Test { 2. int x= 12; 3. public void method(int x) { 4. x+=x; 5. System.out.println(x); 6. } 7. } Given: 34. Test t = new Test(); 35. t.method(5); What is the output from line 5 of the Test class? A. 5 B. 10 C. 12 D. 17 E. 24 Answer: B
Question 28 Given: 55. int []x= {1, 2,3,4, 5}; 56.int y[] =x; 57. System.out.println(y[2]); Which is true? A. Line 57 will print the value 2. B. Line 57 will print the value 3. C. Compilation will fail because of an error in line 55. D. Compilation will fail because of an error in line 56. Answer: B
Question 30 Given: 35. String #name = “Jane Doe”; 36.int$age=24; 37. Double_height = 123.5; 38. double~temp = 37.5; Which two are true? (Choose two.) A. Line 35 will not compile. B. Line 36 will not compile. C. Line 37 will not compile. D. Line 38 will not compile. Answer: AD
Question 31 Which two code fragments correctly create and initialize a static array of int elements? (Choose two.) A. static final int[] a = { 100,200 }; B. static final int[] a; static { a=new int[2]; a[0]=100; a[1]=200; } C. static final int[] a = new int[2] { 100,200 }; D. static final int[] a; static void init() { a = new int[3]; a[0]=100; a[1]=200; } Answer: AB
Question 32 Given: 11. public class Ball { 12. public enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }; 13. public void foo() { 14. // insert code here 15. { System.out.println(c); } 16. } 17. } Which code inserted at line 14 causes the foo method to print RED, GREEN, and BLUE? A. for( Color c : Color.values()) B. for( Color c = RED; c <= BLUE; c++) C. for( Color c; c.hasNext() ; c.next()) D. for( Color c = Color[0]; c <= Color[2]; c++) E. for( Color c = Color.RED; c <= Color.BLUE; c++) Answer: A Question 33 Given: 10. public class Fabric 11. public enum Color { 12. RED(0xff0000), GREEN(0x00ff00), BLUE(0x0000ff); 13. private final int rgb; 14. Color( int rgb) { this.rgb = rgb; } 15. public int getRGB() { return rgb; } 16. }; 17. public static void main( String[] argv) { 18. // insert code here 19. } 20. } Which two code fragments, inserted independently at line 18, allow the Fabric class to compile? (Choose two.) A. Color skyColor = BLUE; B. Color treeColor = Color.GREEN; C. Color purple = new Color( 0xff00ff); D. if( RED.getRGB() < purple =" Color.BLUE" title =" t;" obj ="new" somearray =" (int[])obj;" counter =" 0;" a1 ="new" a2 ="new" a3 ="new" a="new" p =" new" p =" new" 1 =" new" p =" new" p =" Line.getPoint();" p =" Line.getPoint();" p =" (new" p =" (new" name =" “No" name =" nm;" empld =" “0000”;" empid =" id;" e =" new" name =" name;" bootch =" bootch;" snootch =" snootch;" b =" new" mydog =" Dogs.shepherd;" mydog =" Dogs.collie;" i =" uew" str =" “null’;" str ="=" pi =" new">3) { 13. System.out.print(”pi is bigger than 3. “); 14. } 15. else { 16. System.out.print(”pi is not bigger than 3. “); 17. } 18. finally { 19. System.out.println(”Have a nice day.”); 20. } ‘What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. pi is bigger than 3. C. An exception occurs at runtime. D. pi is bigger than 3. Have a nice day. E. pi is not bigger than 3. Have a nice day. Answer: A
Question 58 Given: 10.int x=0; 11.int y 10; 12. do { l3. y--; 14. ++x; 15. } while (x < intx="12;" x=" 10;" list =" new" sorted =" new" i="0;i<=">6) break; 14. } 15. System.out.println(i); 16. } What is the result? A. 6 B. 7 C. 10 D. 11 E. Compilation fails. F. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: E
Question 64 Given: 8. public class test { 9. public static void main(String [] a) { 10. assert a.length == 1; 11. } 12. } Which two will produce an AssertionError? (Choose two.) A. java test B. java -ea test C. java test file1 D. java -ea test file1 E. java -ea test file1 file2 F. java -ea:test test file1 Answer: BE
Question 65 Given: 12. public class AssertStuff { 13. 14. public static void main(String [] args) { 15. int x= 5; 16. int y= 7; 17. 18. assert (x> y): “stuff”; 19. System.out.println(”passed”); 20. } 21. } And these command line invocations: java AssertStuff java -ea AssertStuff What is the result? A. passed stuff B. stuff passed C. passed An AssertionError is thrown with the word “stuff” added to the stack trace. D. passed An AssertionError is thrown without the word “stuff” added to the stack trace. E. passed An AssertionException is thrown with the word “stuff” added to the stack trace. F. passed An AssertionException is thrown without the word “stuff” added to the stack trace. Answer: C
Question 66 Click the Exhibit button. 1. public class Test { 2. 3. public static void main(String [] args) { 4. boolean assert = true; 5. if(assert) { 6. System.out.println(”assert is true”); 7. } 8. } 9. 10. } Given: javac -source 1.3 Test.java What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. Compilation succeeds with errors. C. Compilation succeeds with warnings. D. Compilation succeeds without warnings or errors. Answer: C
Question 67 Given: 23.int z=5; 24. 25. public void stuff1(int x) { 26. assert (x> 0); 27. switch(x) { 28. case 2: x= 3; 29. default: assert false; } } 30. 31. private void stuff2(int y) { assert (y < z =" 6;" name ="=" a="new" a="new" con =" resourceFactory.getConnection();" r =" con.query(”GET" info =" r.getData();" b="new" c="new" a="new" b="new" a="new" args="null;" x="null;" value ="=" value ="=" value ="=" classb =" new" value =" “ClassB”;" a =" new" a =" new" x="i+y;" str =" “420”;" i =" args[0];" j =" 12;" j="=" j="=" j="=" j="=" buffer =" new">’); 26. return buffer.toString(); 27. } Which is true? A. This code is NOT thread-safe. B. The programmer can replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder with no other changes. C. This code will perform well and converting the code to use StringBuilder will not enhance the performance. D. This code will perform poorly. For better performance, the code should be rewritten: return “<“+ this.name + “>”; Answer: B
Question 90 Given: 1. public class MyLogger { 2. private StringBuilder logger = new StringBuuilder(); 3. public void log(String message, String user) { 4. logger.append(message); 5. logger.append(user); 6. } 7. } The programmer must guarantee that a single MyLogger object works properly for a multi-threaded system. How must this code be changed to be thread-safe? A. synchronize the log method B. replace StringBuilder with StringBuffer C. No change is necessary, the current MyLogger code is already thread-safe. D. replace StringBuilder with just a String object and use the string concatenation (+=) within the log method Answer: A
Question 91 Given: 11. public String makinStrings() { 12. String s = “Fred”; 13. s = s + “47”; 14. s = s.substring(2, 5); 15. s = s.toUpperCase(); 16. return s.toString(); 17. } How many String objects will be created when this method is invoked? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 F. 6 Answer: C
Question 92 Given: 1. public class TestString3 { 2. public static void main(String[] args) { 3. // insert code here 5. System.out.println(s); 6. } 7. } Which two code fragments, inserted independently at line 3, generate the output 4247? (Choose two.) A. String s = “123456789”; s = (s-”123”).replace(1,3,”24”) - “89”; B. StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(”123456789”); s.delete(0,3).replace( 1,3, “24”).delete(4,6); C. StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(”123456789”); s.substring(3,6).delete( 1 ,3).insert( 1, “24”); D. StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(”123456789”); s.substring(3,6).delete( 1 ,2).insert( 1, “24”); E. StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(”123456789”); s.delete(0,3).delete( 1 ,3).delete(2,5).insert( 1, “24”); Answer: BE
Question 93 Given: 11. public class Yikes { 12. 13. public static void go(Long n) {System.out.println(”Long “);} 14. public static void go(Short n) {System.out.println(”Short “);} 15. public static void go(int n) {System.out.println(”int “);} 16. public static void main(String [] args) { 17. short y= 6; 18. long z= 7; 19. go(y); 20. go(z); 21. } 22. } What is the result? A. int Long B. Short Long C. Compilation fails. D. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: A
Question 94 Given: 12. public class Wow { 13. public static void go(short n) {System.out.println(”short”); } 14. public static void go(Short n) {System.out.println(”SHORT”);} 15. public static void go(Long n) {System.out.println(” LONG”); } 16. public static void main(String [] args) { 17. Short y= 6; 18.int z=7; 19. go(y); 20. go(z); 21. } 22. } What is the result? A. short LONG B. SHORT LONG C. Compilation fails. D. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: C
Question 95 Given: 10. class MakeFile { 11. public static void main(String[] args) { 12. try { 13. File directory = new File(”d”); 14. File file = new File(directory,”f”); 15. if(!file.exists()) { 16. file.createNewFile(); 17. } 18. } catch (IOException e) { 19. e.printStackTrace 20. } 21. } 22. } The current directory does NOT contain a directory named “d.” Which three are true? (Choose three.) A. Line 16 is never executed. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. Line 13 creates a File object named “d.” D. Line 14 creates a File object named “f.’ E. Line 13 creates a directory named “d” in the file system. F. Line 16 creates a directory named “d” and a file ‘f’ within it in the file system. G. Line 14 creates a file named ‘f’ inside of the directory named “d” in the file system. Answer: BCD
Question 96 When comparing java.io.BufferedWriter to java.io.FileWriter, which capability exists as a method in only one of the two? A. closing the stream B. flushing the stream C. writing to the stream D. marking a location in the stream E. writing a line separator to the stream Answer: E
Question 97 Given: 12. import java.io.*; 13. public class Forest implements Serializable { 14. private Tree tree = new Tree(); 15. public static void main(String [] args) { 16. Forest f= new Forest(); 17. try { 18. FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(”Forest.ser”); 19. ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(fs); 20. os.writeObject(f); os.close(); 21. } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } 22. } } 23. 24. class Tree { } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. An instance of Forest is serialized. D. A instance of Forest and an instance of Tree are both serialized. Answer: B
Question 98 Click the Exhibit button. 1. import java.io.*; 2. public class Foo implements Serializable { 3. public int x, y; 4. public Foo( int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } 5. 6. private void writeObject( ObjectOutputStream s) 7. throws IOException { 8. s.writeInt(x); s.writeInt(y) 9. } 10. 11. private void readObject( ObjectInputStream s) 12. throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { 13. 14. // insert code here 15. 16. } 17. } Which code, inserted at line 14, will allow this class to correctly serialize and deserialize? A. s.defaultReadObject(); B. this = s.defaultReadObject(); C. y = s.readInt(); x = s.readInt(); D. x = s.readInt(); y = s.readInt(); Answer: D
Question 99 Which three concerning the use of the java.io.Serializable interface are true? (Choose three.) A. Objects from classes that use aggregation cannot be serialized. B. Art object serialized on one JVM can be successfully deserialized on a different JVM. C. The values in fields with the volatile modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization. D. The values in fields with the transient modifier will NOT survive serialization and deserialization. E. It is legal to serialize an object of a type that has a supertype that does NOT implement java.io.Serializable. Answer: BDE
Question 100 Assuming that the serializeBanana() and the deserializeBanana() methods will correctly use Java serialization and given: 13. import java.io.*; 14. class Food implemertts Serializable {int good = 3;} 15. class Fruit externds Food {int juice = 5;} 16. public class Banana extends Fruit { 17. int yellow = 4; 18. public static void main(String [] args) { 19. Banana b = new Banana(); Banana b2 = new Banana(); 20. b.serializeBanana(b); // assume correct serialization 21. b2 = b.deserializeBanana(); // assume correct 22. System.out.println(”restore “+b2.yellow+ b2.juice+b2.good); 24. } 25. // more Banana methods go here 50. } ‘What is the result? A. restore 400 B. restore 403 C. restore 453 D. Compilation fails. E. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: C
Question 101 Assuming that the serializeBanana2() and the deserializeBanana2() methods will correctly use Java serialization and given: 13. import java.io.*; 14. class Food {Food() { System.out.print(”1”); } } 15. class Fruit extends Food implements Serializable { 16. Fruit() { System.out.print(”2”); } } 17. public class Banana2 extends Fruit { int size = 42; 18. public static void main(String [] args) { 19. Banana2 b = new Banana2(); 20. b.serializeBanana2(b); // assume correct serialization 21. b = b.deserializeBanana2(b); // assume correct 22. System.out.println(” restored “+ b.size + “ “); } 23. // more Banana2 methods 24. } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. 1 restored 42 C. 12 restored 42 D. 121 restored 42 E. 1212 restored 42 F. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: D
Question 102 Given: 10. public class Foo implements java.io.Serializable { 11. private int x; 12. public int getX() { return x; } 12.publicFoo(int x){this.x=x; } 13. private void writeObject( ObjectOutputStream s) 14. throws IOException { 15. // insert code here 16. } 17. } Which code fragment, inserted at line 15, will allow Foo objects to be correctly serialized and deserialized? A. s.writeInt(x); B. s.serialize(x); C. s.writeObject(x); D. s.defaultWriteObject(); Answer: D
Question 103 Given: 12. NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(); 13. nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4); 14. nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); 15. String a = nf.format(3.1415926); 16. String b = nf.format(2); Which two are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US? (Choose two.) A. The value of b is 2. B. The value of a is 3.14. C. The value of b is 2.00. D. The value of a is 3.141. E. The value of a is 3.1415. F. The value of a is 3.1416. G. The value of b is 2.0000. Answer: CF
Question 104 Given: 11. double input = 314159.26; 12. NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN); 13. String b; 14. //insert code here Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 3 14.159,26? A. b = nf.parse( input); B. b = nf.format( input); C. b = nf.equals( input); D. b = nf.parseObject( input); Answer: B
Question 105 Given: 14. DateFormat df; 15. Date date = new Date(); 16. //insert code here 17. String s = df.format( date); Which two, inserted independently at line 16, allow the code to compile? (Choose two.) A. df= new DateFormat(); B. df= Date.getFormatter(); C. df= date.getFormatter(); D. df= date.getDateFormatter(); E. df= Date.getDateFormatter(); F. df= DateFormat.getInstance(); G. df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); Answer: FG
Question 106 Given: 12. Date date = new Date(); 13. df.setLocale(Locale.ITALY); 14. String s = df.format(date); The variable df is an object of type DateFormat that has been initialized in line 11. What is the result if this code is run on December 14, 2000? A. The value of s is 14-dic-2004. B. The value of s is Dec 14, 2000. C. An exception is thrown at runtime. D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 13. Answer: D
Question 107 Given: 33. Date d = new Date(0); 34. String ds = “December 15, 2004”; 35. // insert code here 36. try { 37. d = df.parse(ds); 38. } 39. catch(ParseException e) { 40. System.out.println(”Unable to parse “+ ds); 41. } 42. // insert code here too Which will create the appropriate DateFormat object and add a day to the Date object? A. 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setTime( (60 * 60 * 24) + d.getTime()); B. 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setTime( (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + d.getTime()); C. 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateFormat(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (1000*60*60*24) + d.getLocalTime()); D. 35. DateFormat df= DateFormat.getDateJnstance(); 42. d.setLocalTime( (60 * 60 * 24) + d.getLocalTime()); Answer: B
Question 108 Given a valid DateFormat object named df, and 16. Date d = new Date(0L); 17. String ds = “December 15, 2004”; 18. // insert code here What updates d’s value with the date represented by ds? A. 18. d = df.parse(ds); B. 18. d = df.getDate(ds); C. 18. try { 19. d = df.parse(ds); 20. } catch(ParseException e) { }; D. 18. try { 19. d = df.getDate(ds); 20. } catch(ParseException e) { }; Answer: C
Question 109 Given: 11. String test = “This is a test”; 12. String[] tokens = test.split(”\s”); 13. System.out.println(tokens.length); What is the result? A. 0 B. 1 C. 4 D. Compilation fails. E. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: D
Question 110 Given: 11. String test= “a1b2c3”; 12. String[] tokens = test.split(”\\d”); 13. for(String s: tokens) System.out.print(s +“ “); What is the result? A. a b c B. 1 2 3 C. a1b2c3 D. a1 b2 c3 E. Compilation fails. F. The code runs with no output. G. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: A
Question 111 Given: 11. String test = “Test A. Test B. Test C.”; 12. // insert code here 13. String[] result = test.split(regex); Which regular expression inserted at line 12 will correctly split test into “Test A,” “Test B,” and “Test C”? A. String regex = “”; B. String regex = “ “; C. String regex = “.*“. D. String regex = “\\s” E. String regex = “\\.\\s*”; F. String regex = “\\w[ \.] +“; Answer: E
Question 112 Given: 12. System.out.format(”Pi is approximately %d.”, Math.PI); What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. Pi is approximately 3. C. Pi is approximately 3.141593. D. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: D
Question 113 Given: 12. String csv = “Sue,5,true,3”; 13. Scanner scanner = new Scanner( csv); 14. scanner.useDelimiter(”,”); 15. int age = scanner.nextInt(); What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. After line 15, the value of age is 5. C. After line 15, the value of age is 3. D. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: D
Question 114 Which two code fragments will execute the method doStuff() in a separate thread? (Choose two.) A. new Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } B. new Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } } C. new Thread() { public void start() { doStuff(); } } .run(); D. new Thread() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } .start(); E. new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } } ).run(); F. new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doStuff(); } }).start(); Answer: DF
Question 115 Given: 1. public class Threads3 implements Runnable { 2. public void run() { 3. System.out.print(”running”); 4. } 5. public static void main(String[] args) { 6. Thread t = new Thread(new Threads3()); 7. t.run(); 8. t.run(); 9. t.start(); 10. } 11. } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. The code executes and prints “running”. D. The code executes and prints “runningrunning”. E. The code executes and prints “runningrunningrunning”. Answer: E
Question 116 Given: 1. public class Threads4 { 2. public static void main (String[] args) { 3. new Threads4().go(); 4. } 5. public void go() { 6. Runnable r = new Runnable() { 7. public void run() { 8. System.out.print(”foo”); 9. } 10. }; 11. Thread t = new Thread(r); 12. t.start(); 13. t.start(); 14. } 15. } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. The code executes normally and prints ‘foo”. D. The code executes normally, but nothing is printed. Answer: B Question 117
Given: 1. public class Threads5 { 2. public static void main (String[] args) { 3. new Thread(new Runnable() { 4. public void run() { 5. System.out.print(”bar”); 6. }}).start(); 7. } 8. } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. The code executes normally and prints “bar”. D. The code executes normally, but nothing prints. Answer: C
Question 118 Given: 11. Runnable r = new Runnable() { 12. public void run() { 13. System.out.print(”Cat”); 14. } 15. }; 16. Threadt=new Thread(r) { 17. public void run() { 18. System.out.print(”Dog”); 19. } 20. }; 21. t.start(); What is the result? A. Cat B. Dog C. Compilation fails. D. The code runs with no output. E. An exception is thrown at runtime. Answer: B
Question 119 Click the Exhibit button. Given: 10. public class Starter extends Thread { 11. private int x= 2; 12. public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 13. new Starter().makeItSo(); 14. } 15. public Starter() { 16. x=5; 17. start(); 18. } 19. public void makeItSo() throws Exception { 20. join(); 21. x=x- 1; 22. System.out.println(x); 23. } 24. public void run() { x *= 2; } 25. } What is the output if the main() method is rum? A. 4 B. 5 C. 8 D. 9 E. Compilation fails. F. An exception is thrown at runtime. G. It is impossible to determine for certain. Answer: D
Question 120 Given: 1. public class Threads2 implements Runnable { 2. 3. public void nun() { 4. System.out.println(”run.”); 5. throw new RuntimeException(”Problem”); 6. } 7. public static void main(String[] args) { 8. Thread t = new Thread(new Threads2()); 9. t.start(); 10. System.out.println(”End of method.”); 11. } 12. } Which two can be results? (Choose two.) A. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem B. run. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem C. End of method. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem D. End of method. run. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem E. run. java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem End of method. Answer: DE
Question 121 Given: 1. public class TestOne { 2. public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { 3. Thread.sleep(3000); 4. System.out.println(”sleep”); 5. } 6. } What is the result? A. Compilation fails. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. The code executes normally and prints “sleep”. D. The code executes normally, but nothing is printed. Answer: C Question 122 Given: 1. public class TestOne implements Runnable { 2. public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { 3. Thread t = new Thread(new TestOne()); 4. t.start(); 5. System.out.print(”Started”); 6. t.join(); 7. System.out.print(”Complete”); 8. } 9. public void run() { 10. for (int i= 0; i< resource =" new" t2 =" new" name =" name;" count =" 0;" intx="0;" current =" 0;" int="i=" current =" x;" x =" current" r1 =" new" names =" new" i =" 0;" class="" implementation="" name="“hello”;" x="current" p0="new" t="new" z="new" y="new" vehicle="new" car="new" racer="new" cat="(Cat)animal;" animal="new" p2="new" p1="new" p4="new" p3="new" it="new" i="0;i<2;i++)" obj="new" computations="new" r2="new" num="num;" r1="6," current="x;" o="new" sl="new" rl="“" iscomplete="true;">list = new java.util.ArrayList(); 21. list.add(new B()); 22. list.add(new C()); 23. for (A a:list) { 24. a.x(); 25. a.y();; 26. } What is the result? A. The code runs with no output. B. An exception is thrown at runtime. C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 20. D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 21. E. Compilation fails because of an error in line 23. F. Compilation fails because of an error in line 25. Answer: F